Jeremy Zimmett


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Professional Summary

I have spent the past several years working with a diverse public, and am excited to pursue a career in data librarianship where I can work with individuals from all walks of life. My experiences in academia and the workplace have afforded me the opportunity to learn about the value of different communities.

I believe that information is the basis to fostering a better world, as access to information enhances our ability to understand and relate to one another. In order to establish beneficial relationships between information and global communities, we must put our faith in information science. As a discipline troubled by how information technologies function as vehicles of power and social action, information science aims to humanize data and serve people. In order to ensure that information seekers have equal access to resources, we must act with thoughtful precision.

For me, pursuing a career in data librarianship is a call to action. It is a call to engineer technologies and ideas that will dismantle the barriers that separate us from one another. It is a call to build a better bridge between people and information. It is a call to build community through the act of reading, togetherness, and access to resources. With drastic changes occurring in government and the economy every day, it's clear that the time to act is now—and we can't waste any of it. 

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